Membership fees:
Employed Teacher - €40.00
Unemployed Teacher - €15.00
Retired Teacher - €15.00
Student Teacher - €10.00
Membership entitles teachers to
Access to the National A.G.M.
Access the National Conference
Representation on Subject Course Committees
A Journal full of resources and information
Resources to aid teaching of Engineering Special Topic
Access to teachers and their students to all competitions held by the association
€10 of your membership fee goes to your local area to run events and €8 is used to create resources for Engineering and Technology subjects.
The Department of Education and Skills encourages school management to pay membership fees to relevant subject associations for their teaching staff.
You can now join us / renew membership by
Filling in our Online Application Form
Please note that Membership and therefore access to the members section is only open to Teachers in Ireland of Engineering, Technology, Graphics and DCG
Online Application:
Click on the button below and fill in the application form.
Once the application has been filled in, you will receive an email with your payment options.​